Date Expression Tester

par Production Boosters

Simple tool to test date expressions against a reference date

Hey there, fellow time-travelers and code whisperers! 🚀👩‍💻 Ever find yourself lost in the wibbly-wobbly world of date formulas in Business Central? Fear not! 📅✨ Introducing the Date Expression Tester – your one-stop shop for unraveling the mysteries of date manipulation.

Picture this: you’re crafting a date expression, and suddenly, bam, the result is as unpredictable as a caffeinated squirrel on a pogo stick. 🐿️🤸‍♂️ But fret not! Our magical tool lets you test-drive your date wizardry. Not only will it confirm that your expression works today (because, hey, today is a good day), but it’ll also high-five you for nailing the last day of the month! 🎉🗓️

And that’s not all, my curious chrononauts! 🌌🔍 Our Date Expression Tester comes with extra perks:

  1. Parameter Reference: Like a treasure map for temporal explorers, we’ll show you the secret passages – the parameters – that make your date expressions tick. 🗺️🕰️

  2. Samples: We’ve brewed up a cauldron of sample date expressions. From ‘Summon the First Day of the Month’ to ‘Banish Weekends,’ our spells cover it all. 🧙‍♂️🌟

So grab your wizard hat, adjust your flux capacitor, and let’s dance through the calendar like it’s a disco party! 🕺💃 Remember, with great date formulas comes great responsibility – and maybe a few confetti cannons. 🎊🎇

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